Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bridal Show

Haha, so I made a Top Ten list for 2007 (Honorable Mention and all), but then I had problems with posting the pictures (who knew what the problem was...). And since I know next to nothing about computers, after trying unsuccessfully a few times, I decided that you don't get to see it after all. (Well, if you want to see it, I can send it to you, but I'm retarded and can't post it. =D )

On the upside, work has been going really well! I'm loving my new job, I'm starting to get the hang of things and I don't feel like I have to ask for help on everything (which is good, because then I don't have to split the commission either, haha). The people I work with are really great. Everyone calls me Little Hippy (apparently it's because of my overuse of marijuana???) and the Boss Man makes sure I know everyday how great I'm doing and how much they love having me.

Yesterday, I was going to go in and help my boss work on inventory for an hour or two, but then one of the girls got "stuck up at Sundance" (for the WHOLE day...when it hadn't been snowing... Personally, I'm a little suspicious...), so I ended up being there for 9 hours on my day off. Which wasn't awesome, but I made a great sale, so I guess it was worth it right? Right?

Today, I went up to the Grand America Hotel to do a Bridal Show. Katie talked it up like it was going to be terrible (she's done tons of shows, so she hates them by this point. But then again, who blames her?) But, it actually wasn't so bad! First of all, the hotel was incredible! The bathrooms were enormous, marble stalls and everything. And paper towels look cheap, so let's just use linen instead! The show was super busy, they say it was our best one to date. We had people lined up to see us all day. Our special was Tungsten Bands and we sold several of them. Ask me any question about them, I learned it all today and then told about a hundred people about them! Afterwards, we had dinner at Cafe (on the boss's tab, of course) and then drove back to Provo to unload. All in all, I was gone for 13 hours today and my voice is gone. I made a lot of contacts, and had a bunch of sales too.

Not too shabby for the pot smoking, cuckoo bird, retard newbie, eh?