Thursday, May 1, 2008

9 Indications that you should not go on a 2nd (or in some cases, a 1st) date with a boy

Warning: The following scenarios are all true and have happened to the author. Will provide proof of authenticity upon request.

1- On your first date he takes you to the library to study
2- He's engaged...or he's married (A common ailment of working at a jewelry store- all boys are unavailable no matter how cute- or not cute- they may be.)
3- He's forty-two, recently divorced, tells you he likes the freckles on your chest (no, I was not wearing a low cut shirt), and thinks that girls his son's age are okay to date.
4- He notices you while driving, finds your car in the parking lot and leaves a note about his feelings with a phone number that you can reach him at.
5- You dated/are dating his best friend./ Your best friend is in love with him.
6- He makes you pay because he didn't bring enough money for the both of you.
7- A random girl from the ward asks your roommate why things didn't work out between you two after things had been progressing so well (You've been on one date at this point, ONLY one)
8- "I took a picture of you off of Facebook and I showed my mom and she thinks you're really cute!"
9- "I put your picture as the background on my phone so I can look at it whenever I want." (This was before even one date.)
And FINALLY, 10- He needs to postpone your date because he has court in the morning (something about his Dad calling the cops on him...)!

It's hard to find a good man these days!


Alison said...

At least it makes for some good stories and makes you appreciate a good guy when you find one. :) Unfortunately it takes a lot of weirdos before you do.

Matt said...

Or else you just settle for a weird one. Like Alison and Tricia...

Christensen Family said...

That's very funny, but I think I'm missing a couple of stories...sounds like I'm due for a catch-up.

Emily said...

hehe--sounds like at least you have a head on your shoulders--sheesh! some of those stories are hard to imagine! glad to know you're having fun and doing well. hugs!