Monday, November 3, 2008

what not to wear

my fashion sense is pretty much non-existent, but even I know this doesn't match.


Brianna said...

haha I am obsessed that you took that picutre!!! don't worry because I saw somebody wearing something almost exactly like that the other day and thought the same thing! Pretty much love you!

Krista said...

you really just wanted to justify your desire to take a picture of this poor guy's butt.

i still love you.

Becki said...

that other person in the picture? that was his wife. i was more trying to understand why she let him out of the house looking like that. i think there need to be drastic measures taken in letting people out of the house. like this morning, i'm pretty sure i should have just stayed home with the getup i was sporting

Anonymous said...

Lol- you're a funny lady to take that!